
Hello. This blog is a smart credited service, Yeun's Studios people management skills to create a blog.       

the technology of the many parts that make up to Yeun's Studios consists of technologies based on open source and with the principal use of open source technology, we believe that we should be a direct contribution. Such a superb contribution are from the open source community, the parties will be able to use them to grow together.       

We learned things, we have to improve things and also try to contribute to the public as open source. You can see our future activities in two places.


Here are the right place, where we introduce Code snippet, once we have learned various techniques weekly.


sports car developed by an open source project on its own or in running, you can fork a project to improve the view for us at github.

Blog author
Thomas Yeun

Automation Software developer, interest on machine software control, machine control, AOI and vision system integration software.